
The Waiting Game

Patience is a virtue.

Sometimes patience means obedience. Sometimes it means humility, or prayer, or peace, or keeping busy, or grace, or just waiting. Right now, patience is represented in all of these forms in one way or another. But especially now, patience is hard. 

During the first semester of my freshman year, I decided I wanted to pursue an RA position at APU. I finished the application part in January and made it past the first cut and got invited to a dessert event/group interview for all the people applying for RA.

At the event, we were put into small groups and were interviewed by current RAs and Resident Directors (RDs) about why we wanted to be an RA and what we'd bring to that position and what fears we have, etc. I felt I answered strongly and honestly and was happy with how it had gone.

Then, I had my solo interview on Friday, February 8th with just me and two RDs from the Residence Life staff on campus. In the interview I did a presentation (mandatory for all applicants) where I presented a time capsule that I had put together with things representing what an RA would need. In it I put a Bible, a clock, a coffee mug, a tissue, a movie, a pillow (representing a big, comfy couch), a door stop (representing an open door), a piƱata head (duh), my tie dye overalls, my hall sweatshirt and a suggestion/prayer jar. And then I answered their questions. 

I really felt that nothing could have gone better. I am incredibly happy with how the interview played out. 

But now...I have to wait. I find out a yes or a no, a here or a there, on March 13. 

So patience is hard. The waiting game is hard. Praying for a patience while praying for a decision is hard. But, I can only hope that my patience is worth it. I'm praying for humility if a good decision comes and grace if a bad one does. But most of all, I pray for patience. 

What do you have to be patient about? 

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